Recently , while we were on vacation we had the scare of a lifetime. We were sitting down beside the beautiful St Lawrence river on a perfect evening after a totally gorgeous day when all of a sudden Tina noticed that Shelbie ( our 15 yr. Old Sheltie )
Was staring off into nowhere and wasn’t responding to her signals or any efforts to get his attention and as I went to look closer at him it was apparent that he really wasn’t all there. We knew something serious was wrong and so , since we were only about 25 miles from our vet , we quickly decided to rush him there as soon as possible as it was also now around 5:45 and they close at around 6:30 or so.
Bombing down the road at speeds that I will NOT at this time mention , we arrived in plenty of time before closing and rushed in to the vets office holding Shelbie in my arms , who by now was totally unconscious and unresponsive. We briefly explained the circumstances to the vet who was on duty at the time ( Dr.Lyndsey Duda ) and in no time flat she knew exactly what to do.
Within moments she had his temperature taken ( 105.7 ) and started packing him with ice on his abdomen in order to try to lower his temperature and had an assistant shave his right front leg area in order to prep for intravenous re-hydration while she checked his heart and lungs.
Due to her quick thinking and excellent decision making skills , within and hour or so Shelbie’s temperature was already descending towards a more normal , stable range and within 2 hours we were able to leave with some meds for him and take him back to the campsite to monitor him and to keep him iced a bit.
By 10:30 that same night he was starting to come back around to being himself and in fact , he even ate a little before bed and drank some liquids on his own. The next morning he was almost his old self and wanted to go outside to spend time with us but we kept him in all that day.
I’d also like to mention that Dr. Duda even picked up on the fact that Sheblie had a quite severe lung and bronchial infection that it seems he had been carrying for some time. She gave us something to treat that with at the same time.
Here it is now a few week later and Shelbie is doing BETTER than ever ! We are so happy that Dr. Duda was on duty that day and thank her and ALL THE STAFF at Town and Country Vet Clinic in Ogdensburg for the help and encouragement they all gave us that terrifying day.
SOOOOOOOOO…….If your looking for a vet clinic that is ultra capable , kind , considerate and…….…. Affordable keep them in mind and Ogdensburg is not that far at all and its a great little drive and by far worth it.
Gil and Tina Wilson…………and……….…SHELBIE
Get in touch
Town And Country Vet
904 CR 4 (Ogdensburg 315-393-7338)
Ogdensburg, NY 13669
Phone: (315) 393-7338